Robin Rodgers

Robin Rodgers exploration of alternative healing methods began in 1992 when it looked as though she was going to have to go into a wheelchair. This catalysed a search for alternatives which eventually resulted in the creation of the Aquarian Healing method. 

During the 1970s I had three spinal operations in Dunedin hospital. Before each operation the doctors injected the now infamous and highly controversial dye, myodil, into my spine. It is now recognised that injecting this dye into the spinal canals corrodes the nerves and spinal cord, wrecking havoc throughout the body and brain. The following fifteen years were spent under the care of the pain clinic, and I became addicted to pain killers. For many years I was extremely ill, in pain and could only walk with the aid of crutches or a walking stick.

This way of living culminated in me being in the intensive care unit after yet another operation in 1987 My body was in a very bad condition being loaded with infection. At this time I found myself floating above my body. I felt no pain, only relief at leaving the physical wreck that was my body. I became aware of gently floating upward until I entered a corridor of light. Moving eagerly forward I was astonished to encounter an Angel standing –glorious in white and gold- arms held up in a stop gesture. This radiant ‘Being’ advised me that I must return to the Earth plane as there was something I needed to do and this would be revealed as my health improved. So began my personal journey to health.

Reflecting upon my healing journey which has seen me over a number of years learning many healing modalities and becoming a Master Teacher of several, taking me from despair and depression to optimum health, to reclaim my decrepit body and become a vital, energetic woman. Capable of opening my first Aquarian Centre in Invercargill, to my second in Auckland, and my third in Christchurch. Teaching my own modality throughout Europe and Australasia.

Over the years I have learnt many different modalities, and in all the modalities I’ve ever learnt the big thing that comes through is to clean out before the body can accept a new healthy input.

It was in 1998 that I developed “Aquarian Healing”, a combination of many different levels of healing incorporating the method of kiniesiology/muscle testing which asks the body what is needed for healing. It is a holistic, multi-facted method that works with the mind, body and spirit.

From this beginning I was invited to teach and hold clinics in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Norway and Australia. The highlight of my career has been the presenting of my ‘sickness to wellness’ story and the birth of Aquarian Healing modality as an International Speaker at the World Conference of Healers in Basel, Switzerland in 2004. the method of Aquarian Healing has now been accepted by the NZ Charter of Health and is taught and practised around the world.

I am trained in a wide range of modalities which have all been integrated into my private practise and and I am committed to ongoing learning and training so my clients get the very best care.

Robin Rogers - Aquarian Wellness


Regular Opportunities to be trained in Aquarian Healing are offered by Robin.

Feel free to contact Robin for more information or visit the Aquarian Healing website.